OK, I understand that everyone out there is a "photographer", if for no other reason but because they have a camera on their phone and we take pics of anything and everything. I will admit that by the shear number of photos we take with our phones we get lucky sometimes and take a picture that is amazing. Then all of our friends (and ourselves) think that we were meant to be photographers and then we are expected to replicate the "amazing" of that picture with everything we take from that point on. Well, ninety percent of the time, we disappoint.
In light of this bit of heart breaking news I would like to share a few things with you. Even though every picture you take isn't going to be a masterpiece we can still follow a mind set (two simple things,) that will bring a consistency to your photos whether with your phone or point and shoot. Pay attention to your background, and keep symmetry in mind, but if you only had to pay attention to one, make it your background.
Now don't get me wrong, this is just a mentality to have if you are looking to add something to your photos that does not take a whole lot of thought. If you just take one second before you take a picture and look at the background and try to rid it of distracting things then do it. It could be as simple as just shifting yourself left or right and that alone could add something to the photo.
I am not saying that you have to have your subjects backs against a wall, but what I am saying is that you can keep things out like kids toys, trashcans, cars, industrial power lines ext. One of the easiest ways to fixing the distraction(s) is to fill your subject in the frame, (zoom in to the subject). I mean it is the subject that you are taking a picture of right? Or did you mean to take a picture of your self and include the toilet in the background? It only takes awareness before you snap the shot and you will be reaping the benefits in your images.
In looking at the photo on the right you can see that its a cute picture but there are two elements in the background that take away from the subject. There is a sign post and a house. So, something a simple as walking to the other side of the subject yields a photo the photographer can be pleased with and something that is a bit more tasteful for the observer to look at.
A quick note on symmetry in the event that you are thirsting for knowledge and can't get enough. This one is simple. The would is full of straight lines, so, straighten your camera to those lines as a guide. You can also look at taking a picture of someone in an archway as an example. It would make for a better photo if you have the frame filled with the archway with equal portions on both sides and then place your subject in the frame. This not only place's your subject in an amazing environment, it also shows off a bit of architecture to the photo and that goes a long way when it comes to the wow factor.
There you have it. Two simple things to keep in mind that will fill your photos with a little more wow. If you have any questions feel free to let me know and I will answer asap.